While I don’t think the fan are to blame for Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen, I do think that they are perhaps it’s biggest problem.
Many will moan and bitch about this film because it isn’t what they wanted, I read countless reviews of the first film were the fandom slated Michael Bay for his film and insisted on telling as many people who were willing to read how they would have made a better film.
The simple fact is, even if these people were in a position to make a movie they would never have finished due to them running out of money before they got half way through.
Yes I would have liked to have seen more robot time, but I’m also understand this simple fact; it costs less to put a person on a screen than it does a big fucking robot.
Most people would have spent more money than the film could have ever have made back, it doesn’t take a great deal of intelligence to figure out that whatever way you look at it; that would be bad business. And the film industry is after all - a business; it exists to make money.
So we get Michael Bay who has a track record of exciting action scenes and big bangs. Sure high quality drama isn’t his strong point, but these were always going to be bubblegum movies. Check in your disbelieve at the door, watch, enjoy and don’t think too much about it. Anyone who ever thought they were going to get anything more was deluding themselves, weather Bay was at the helm or not.
And for my money he did a better job than anyone at the criminally mismanaged TCA could have done.
Just because it isn’t what you would have done does not make it a bad film, in fact it’s better than the one you would have done because the film you want will never get made; just fucking deal with it.
So rant about the fans over, on to part two.
If your expecting the drama of Slumdog millionaire.
If you want an epic like Sparticus.
If your hoping for the emotion of The English patient...
...then why the hell did you even bother?
This is Transformers as directed by Michael Bay, all your gonna get is action and explosions.
That’s what Bay does best and he plays to his strengths here. The action is on a grander scale, the bangs are bigger, and there’s an abundance of both.
Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen begins with the Autobot’s and human allies called NEST hunting Decepticon’s in Shang-Hi.
Do they find then and allow for an explosive beginning?
Is the pope a Catholic?
It’s fast and furious as we’re quickly introduced to some brand new characters, Sideswipe, Arcee and the twins.
Straight away we’re given proof that realism has already been left behind, I mean, a Chevrolet
besting an Audi? Never going to happen.
Incidentally the only German car in the film is a bad guy while all the good guys are American? Coincidence? I think not.
Of course the Decepticon’s are quickly dispatched to the pit, but not before the warning is given that the Fallen is making a comeback.
Things quickly move forward to Sam, he’s now a couple of years older and is about to start collage. Him and girlfriend played by Megan Fox (who is little more than window dressing for the duration) are about to be separated. While going through his things Sam finds a small shard of the all spark, you know that box that repairs stuff and shrinks a bit as well as giving life to stuff.
This sets off a chain of events that propel Sam throughout the movie.
However not before Mum and Dad are given their chance to shine, and shine they do. Mum in particular is given some of the films best lines and the actress concerned clearly is enjoying herself.
I could go on here describing the various events of the film, but this is meant to be a review, not a synopsis.
So instead lets look at what’s right and wrong with the film.
First up the humans, who some of you will be pleased to know play less of a role in this film.
Captain Lennox is back, however for the role he plays he may as well have stayed at home; he really is reduced to generic American soldier boy here.
Mind you Megan Fox doesn’t fair much better, she gets some screen time made up to look her best. But apart from her dealings with Wheelie has little to do but look good.
New character Leo really wasn’t needed, in fact he could have been dropped after the final scene in Sam’s dorm; apart from being annoying he brought nothing to the table except point the team towards Simmons which I’m sure they could have done another way.
Ah yes, Simmons. The character from the first film that we all loved to hate. Well while still slightly manic John Turtorro has toned it down a bit since the first film, making it something of a relief when the character comes good at the end.
And apart from Mum and Dad no one else really even deserves a mention.
Of course this is a Transformers film , so I would be amiss if I didn’t mention the robotic characters as well.
Michael Bay has done something here that no one else has done before him, He made Prime a badass. Watch the forest fight and prepare to pick up you jaw from the ground.
Bumble bee also gets his moment to shine, the little guy kicks tail pipe like never before.
Ratchet and Ironhide return but don’t contribute much noteworthy, same as new characters Swideswipe and Arcee.
And the twins are just annoying.
Jetfire is completely changed from his humble beginnings, he is now ancient and altogether a bit all over the place.
Last of all for the Autobot’s is the Decepticon Wheelie who switches sides. Unlike his cartoon counterpart he is likeable and a joy to watch for the most part.
Very few Decepticon’s even get to speak so there’s really not much to say except that Starscream is a delight, exactly like his cartoon/comic counterparts; it’s fantastic to watch the character brought to life.
I should also mention Soundwave, Frank Welker get to reprise one of his signature characters. While it’s nothing more than fanwank I personally feel that any half decent voice actor could have done the job.
Last of all is Devastator, massive and lumbering. It’s a treat to have onscreen even if he doesn’t last long. You can almost see someone at Paramount wondering if it would have been easier to just shovel money into a furnace rather than put the monster in the movie. He’s short scenes alone must have cost a fortune.
The film does have many faults.
The Fallen wasn’t given enough screen time for you to hate him, as such his demise lacked something; you just had no reason to cheer when Optimus sent him to the pit.
There are a few plot holes, and unless I blinked and missed it there still isn’t any explanation of what happened to Barricade after the freeway chase in TF1. Anyone?
Space bridge travel, While TF fans will know all about it; many non-fans will be thinking “WTF - teleportation?” It’s just too leftfield for this movie even if it does serve a purpose.
The annoying characters, not needed; go away.
Most of the humor is provided by the annoying characters (Sam‘s mum and yes! Wheelie being the exceptions.)
Guys who never had girlfriends need not fret though, theres no “Sam‘s happy time” jokes to make you feel uncomfortable.
Far more could have been made of the Decepticon's ripping one of their own apart to restore Megatron.
The biggest problem the film has goes back to my earlier rant. The film makers listened to the fans, and the fans wanted more robots. And here in lies a problem, the same fans will complain about the lack of character development. Well when there’s as many characters as there are in this film all being juggled for screen time to justify the expense of creating them, you going to get almost fuck all character development.
It’s not all bad though, the action and explosions as I’ve already said are what Bay does best, and here he deals it out in spades. There are still some quick cuts and fast editing but it’s not as extreme as last time out. But as I said back then, why was it ok in the Bourne films but not here?
The plot is still almost anorexic but what else did you expect, however the pacing and storytelling are a step up from the first film.
Overall this film does exactly what you would expect it too, it gives you a thrill ride for a couple of hours.
It takes the first film and gives it a shot of adrenalin.
As long as you can check in you brain at the door and don’t over analyse it, it’s a hugely enjoyable movie.
Those who hated the first one will hate this.
But if you enjoyed the first one and you like big fucking robots and all action movies, then go see it; your love it.
I find it interesting that pretty much every review I've read moves along the same lines. Not that the reviews for the first one were so inconsistent or split the world, but probably because there is that first film now, we know how to gauge this one.
I've made a decision to not see the film, at least not in a theater, since I didn't like the first one and I can guess what's in ROTF; reviews seem to agree with that too.
I am really curious to see kickass Prime, though. That's also surprisingly something consistent within fan reviews.
And Megan Fox.
It's odd. I hated the first movie alot, after I thought about it. I liked it when I first saw it, then the aftertaste, eh. Mostly due to incredibly lame lines, bad casting and bad focus point(Aussie Bird and Fat Black guy, FTFW).
From what's been said, G.I.J.O.E, as it is now, is a shadow of it's former self. No longer is it defending America from Terrorists, it's now the UN Club VS Terrorists, similar to the old Street Fighter Moive(which, imo, is the greatest VG movie ever, Kylie, Van Dame and Julia? Awsome). I am half expecting Destro to be a Sagat expy, with Cobra being Bison. Actualy, thinking about the old Street Fighter, it could be the GI Joe movie.
In anycase, I have more willingness to see this raped property, which I just enjoy a few things, more than I am RotF.
Not interested in Senile Jetfire, the hillbillies, "THE DOCTOR", Xeno expy ect. I find this strage, as a few weeks ago, I was all "OMGZ, DAY 1!!!"
At the moment, I'd only see it if my mate got a bootleg or I made one. Eh
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