Sunday 15 June 2008

Brushing up

In the Sunday papers this week it was revealed that a "Smile With The Prophet" initiative being run by the NHS in Bradford.

According to the local primary care trust, and I quote 'Using a specially developed syllabus, mosque leaders and teachers help to spread the word about oral health, encouraging youngsters to brush their teeth daily through the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and Islam.'

Is there an equal programme tailored to the individual oral hygiene challenges faced by Anglicans, Catholics, Hindus, Sikhs or Seventh Day Adventists?

Admittedly, it's a long time since I was thrown out of Sunday school for smoking behind the church hall. But I don't remember the vicar ever dispensing advice on gum disease in his sermons.

There was plenty about the wailing and gnashing of teeth but, to the best of my knowledge, nothing on flossing.

Still, anything which keeps children out of the dentist's chair has to be welcome, though I can't see how the oral hygiene needs of Muslim children are any different from those of any other faith.

Mind you, it can't be easy brushing your teeth in a burqa.

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