Sunday 1 June 2008

Here we go again.....

They never give up, do they? The Government is spending £6million on a campaign telling the middle-classes they drink too much.

Never mind that the real problem is under-age and binge drinkers, and girls who get so sozzled every Saturday night they end up lying in the gutter with their knickers round their ankles.

Some of us have long since suspected that having banned smoking, the purse-lipped puritans would turn their attentions to drinking next.

One advert has someone ordering a 'pint of three units'. A bottle of wine is relabelled 'a chilled bottle of ten units'.

'We're not saying don't drink,' said health minister Dawn Primarolo.

Well thats good of you sweetheart. She continues 'We're saying here's the information in a non-judgmental, directly identifiable environment.'

Give me strength. Just how stupid does Patronising Primarolo think we are?

"Large VAT, please. Better make it four units."

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