Sunday 1 June 2008

Global warming scam is still on

In all the acres of coverage of 'climate change', here's something you won't have read.

Last week, Dr Arthur Robinson, of the University of Oregon, announced to a packed Washington Press Conference that 31,000 scientists had signed an online petition challenging the conventional wisdom that man-made C02 emissions were causing 'global warming'.

He said he was aware that critics would claim this list was phoney, but said signatories had been carefully vetted and at least 9,000 had PhDs.

This went largely unreported on either side of the Atlantic. Any dissent from the great global warming scam, however valid, is dismissed as heresy.

Currently, an eight-day 'climate change' festival is taking place in of all places, Birmingham.

Having been to Birminham a few times I've had the chance to get to know a few locals quite well. If you asked them how the climate has changed in the last thirty years, they will more than likely tell you that they haven't noticed much change.

It as damp and as rain soaked as ever.

However if anything, the air's cleaner than ever since most of the heavy, metal-bashing industries closed down; and the fumes from the old Ansell's Brewery and HP Sauce factory no longer hang heavy in the wind.

Still, why let the facts ruin the party?
Let's hope it stays dry for them.

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