That’s all good and well, but it’s also been noticed that BBC’s flagship radio one also has listeners in free fall.
Is it just possible that theres a connection? No ones buying modern music, and no one can be bothered to listen to it either. Could it just possibly be because modern music is rubbish?
Just before I stated to write this I had the radio on, some annoying DJ with a silly name playing even more annoying so called music. One of the song’s sounded a bit like someone patting their hands on top of a wheelie bin. The only people who would even dream of buying this cods wallop are the bands friends and family. But that should be enough, thirty years ago you needed to sell half a million copies to hit the top spot on the charts; now some weeks a mere twenty thousand will do the trick.
As tunes go, it’s up there with the “beep beep beep ” of a lorry reversing. It could be hip-hop, or it might be techno, though I sometimes get techno muddled up with jungle, and rap. What I really don’t get is the difference between garage and house, is it something to do with where it was written?
It’s all very confusing and completely unnecessary because there’s one word which encompasses the lot.
It’s a good job they didn’t have classification like this for The Who’s Boris The Spider. Or it would be known as Toilet.
John Entwistle wrote it while he was on the shitter.
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