Saturday 5 April 2008

Season four begins..... (Spolier free)

This week saw the return of two highly anticipated shows, Battlestar Galactica and Doctor Who respectively.

So was it worth the wait, read on gentle reader and find out......

Battlestar Galactica

Season 4 Episode 1 (He That Believeth In Me)

Given the high drama of the season three finally and a year long wait, this episode had a lot to live up to; and live up to expectations it did indeed.

All the elements that have made the show so interesting over the last few years were in place.

The suspicion, the drama, the relationships and some action to boot.

There were still many question that went unanswered, and even more new ones posed. However the show played to its strengths and provided us with forty minutes of magic.

The fallout from season three is played out with class and skill, and I expect will continue to do so throughout the season.

The action almost all takes place towards the start of the episode, and while how the battle ends may not be the most satisfying, it’s clearly laying down plot bunnies for the rest of the shows life span.

The cult of Baltar is an interesting idea, with obvious overtones of Charles Manson you can’t help but wonder where the producers and writers will go with this.

Thrace’s return for me wasn’t dealt with quite enough suspicion, and that for me is the only real bug to bear about this episode.

I won’t go into detail about the episode, or the cliffhanger in case you haven’t seen it yet.

But overall it was a fine return, while I feel it could have been slightly better. This was no filler episode. Dispite one or two minor issues it pushed things along nicely and ushered in season four – leaving you just wanting more.

Doctor Who

Season 4 Episode 1 (Partners in crime)

As before I won’t detail the plot for those who haven’t seen it yet.

What has become of Saturday night TV without Doctor Who on our screens?

Well to put it bluntly, it’s all been a bit crap. But now we can rejoice as our hero has returned to liven up out screens.

Well erm, no actually we can’t.

By just about any standard this was poor, just as an example I’ll list a couple of thing that were wrong with this.

The idea
The script
The acting
The direction
In a nutshell it was all wrong.

I like Doctor Who, I really do. But that’s because it’s usually far better than this pile of crap.

What were they thinking?

I know the idea was to reintroduce Donna from the Christmas special a couple of years ago, but whatever they planned; they failed.

Sarah Lancashire was one of the least convincing villains of the shoes history.
Catherine Tate proved she can’t act.
David Tenant knew it was rubbish, he just looked embarrised by the whole affair.

I had high hope for the new series, but this episode is a complete letdown.

In future they will have to do much much better.

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