Saturday 5 April 2008

Thank you and goodnight

Comedian Ben Elton is right. The BBC is scared of Muslims. Or at least the white middle-class crossed-eyed lunatics who claim to speak for Muslims. According to Ben, script editors are even frightened to use innocent phrases such as "Let the mountain come to Mohammed," just in case the provisional wing of Al-Qaeda declares a fatwa.

But it's not just the BBC, the longer I live here the more I discover that life in Britain is subject to a Muslim veto.

For instance, plenty of parents have complained about schoolbooks aimed at five-year-olds which promote homosexuality, such as King & King, a fairytale about a prince who turns down three princesses before marrying one of their brothers. These parents were smeared as "homophobes" and the books distributed widely regardless.

But now, Muslim parents in Bristol have complained and the books have been removed from the shelves. That's different, it's their culture, innit?

Elsewhere, though, care homes for the elderly have been told that they shouldn't employ christians who disapprove of homosexuality. Their religious convictions count for fuck all. Neither do the beliefs of christians who work in adoption agencies and object to placing children with gay couples.

Meanwhile, in London, a Muslim woman who refuses to take off her headscarf is suing a salon owner who turned her down for a job as a hairdresser - on the quite reasonable grounds that customers expect to see their stylist's hair.

Bushra Noah is claiming discrimination and wants £34,000 damages. "My religion is non-negotiable," she insists. In that case sweetheart go and find yourself a job where you can wear a headscarf.

Time and again, there seems to be one rule for muslims and one for everyone else. The islamic faith is "non-negotiable" but christians can go to hell.

I’m no christian, nor do I have anything against either religion.

But when your religion decides weather or not you are listened to by your government in a democratic socity. Then there’s something seriously wrong.

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